This is Seaweed. She was a Game and Fish pack horse, and a real sweetie. Barrie learned to ride on her, and even used to barrel race her. That was a real crowd pleaser! The Hittle girls also learned to ride on her, and I think maybe Tracy did too. Barrie used to ride her up to the tall pole fence, climb off onto the fence, and go in the house to get a drink of water. When she came out, Seaweed would still be in the same spot, Barrie would climb the fence, get back on her, and go. The Game and Fish guys nicknamed her "Charmin" because she was so soft. If she was packing, she was always lathered up within a mile.
Trustworthy old mare with something really little on her back.
This is a test to see if Tracy really looks at my blog or not. This is Kim, Tracy, and Tally
Tracy called yesterday. They are are seriously looking for property in Florida, and I think they are ready to make an offer on a place (condo) in the Tampa Bay area. They don't plan to move there, but are looking ahead to vacations and retirement.
The Wyoming Retirement System insists it is in good condition, and that we (retirees) are not to worry. Well, to tell the truth, I don't think the entire nation is in good condition, and we should all worry. I have pulled entirely out of the stock market, but that doesn't mean much.
The kitten is doing well, but now he is going to the bathroom on his own a little, which means he messes up his bed during the night. I also have to hold the bottom half of him under warm running water every day and wash him off. He gets really gross, and I'm not as good as his mom was at keeping him clean.
The pastel wolf I am working on is so smooth and slick looking. He needs real fur, and I plan on working on him this afternoon.