Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
The cat acually went outside with me and explored a little bit. She kept going back to the front porch to make sure her house was still there.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I completed a watercolor this morning in art group, but it is up on the wall in the art room and I don't have a picture of it. I should, because I haven't completed anything for so long it is a major accomplishment.
So I will post a picture of my best sketchbook. Some of my best drawings are in this beat-up old thing, held together with duct tape. Do you realize that duct tape and WD 40 is what keeps everything in this world together. It was a tragedy to give up baling wire. That stuff held a lot of things together too.
Barrie gave three dogs a bath over the weekend. Maddy is drying herself off on the lawn while Jarvie takes her turn under the hose.
This is a perennial vine which I think is called "woodbine." Barrie decided it looked dead this spring and cut it down. It came back beautifully. The leaves turn a beautiful shade of bright red in the fall. You can see my silly hollyhock growing beside the vine.
Judi, Mary Lou and I ate lunch at the senior center today. Mary Lou is going back to Colorado tomorrow. We'll miss her.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Hat
This is why Barrie puts sun screen on Kasey's butt.
The hat is developing a lot of character. It all started when Kasey used it to dip water out of the tank and pour it over her head. Then she put it in the tank and stuck her head into it.
Late in the afternoon, we saw a lot of smoke off to the south. When we drove home, we saw this fire on the hillside. Didn't look like any buildings were around. There must have been fifteen or so fire trucks out there. There were buildings on the top of the hill, and four or five fire trucks were parked up there, but it didn't look like the fire was spreading.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
They found this little treasure in with their pictures. Gosh! I put $1.50 cents worth of defense stamps in this booklet.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Kasey threw up in her bed a couple times last night, so she is with me today. If a kid is sick, Julie doesn't want them for 24 hours.
Kasey's quiet, but doesn't seem sick. But she wouldn't eat any breakfast.
A while ago, she jumped up, ran to the window and said "It's snowing! Yay!" The wind is blowing the cotton from my cottonwood trees behind the house.
For your information:
One of the causes of the Revolutionary War was the English put tacks in their tea. Also, the colonists would send their parcels through the post without stamps. Finally the colonists won the War and no longer had to pay for taxis. Delegates from the original 13 states formed the Contented Congress. Thomas Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of the Declaration of Independence. Franklin discovered electricity by rubbing two cats backwards and declared, “A horse divided against itself cannot stand.”. Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Lenore, Nancy, Mary Lou and I stayed for lunch.
My brother and sister-in-law told me we needed to make sure we label all the pictures of Barrie and Kasey so we won't get mixed up. I had these two pictures up on the computer screen, and asked Kasey who they were. She said they were both pictures of her.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Bill returned some books I loaned him - the Berrybender series by Larry McMurtry. I want to read them again - sometime.
Kasey is learning to use the mouse on the desktop computer. She is playing one of the "Peep" games here. She's fresh out of the tub, wet hair and in her pajamas.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The jungle
My brother and his wife are going to be here tonight, and will be in their big motor home. Barrie decided today that the chokecherry bushes had grown so much and were hanging down so low that Bill wouldn't be able to park in the driveway. So she got out her loppers and did some trimming.
Another job Barrie has put on her list is cutting a couple of big branches out of the pine tree. The biggest one has grown out over the carport. There's a garage in there someplace.
Don't laugh, but this is asparagus. I planted about a dozen plants years ago, and they are still there, down by the driveway. They get about 6 feet tall.
I think my peony bush got frosted this spring, as it is only going to have about 7 or 8 blooms on it. It is usually covered.
The vines Barrie cut to the ground are growing. Should take a picture of them.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
This is Leslie with Snickers when she graduated from obedience school. She is a "therapy" dog. I think that's what you call it. Les takes her to nursing homes to visit with the patients.
Arggghhh! I hate my DVD/VCR player. One of the DVDs I made won't play in anything except my player. I know you have to "finalize" them if you play them in different players, and I thought I did. I brought it home and put it in my DVD player, and it started to play. I VERY carefully followed the instructions in the book - press stop, press the menu button, and choose "Disc Setting." So why is that choice greyed out, and I can't even choose it?
Then I got a new movie on eBay. I put it in my laptop computer, and it won't play. I put it in my DVD player, and get the message "this disc is not playable or recordable." This morning I tried it in the DVD drive of my desktop computer, and it played perfectly.
New playing on my XM radio - John Denver, "Back Home Again." Both my girls pretend to gag if I play John Denver, but I like him. Tracy worked for him when she lived in Aspen - his "Windstar Corporation", or something like that.
I transplanted a wild rose bush in my back yard years ago. I thought it died a long time ago, but looked out my window the other day, and the silly thing is blooming.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Meet Daisy
I bet the two cats have their noses out of joint.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Tonight is the third rodeo performance. Barrie and Kasey have been the last two nights, and I suppose they will go again tonight.
Those of you who like rodeo might enjoy this video of a bulldogger practicing his skill.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Who is Tom Leher, you wonder? A weird college professor who wrote and sang weird songs. It got him fired from Harvard.
Some nostalgia here in some old Rendezvous pictures. Norma Richardson in the top photo, and Grant Beck in the bottom one. They are both gone now.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Now playing on my iPod - Ian Tyson, "Navajo Rug"
This is a manipulated photo. I liked the scene, but the light was bad and the photo came out very blah. So I used Photoshop to wake it up. Maybe too much.
We were discussing gates the other day - how some are so hard to open, and how some of them are so tight you can't even close them. This one should be easy to open. Or maybe just go around it?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunny sent me two pictures of the baby raccoons in their shed today. The fourth one is in the bottom of the hard hat. Aren't they cute? Thanks for sharing the pictures, Sunny.
Barrie worked late today, so I picked up Kasey from Julie's. When she saw me, she yelled "Grandma!" and ran to me with her arms out for a hug. Can't beat that!
No one is here.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Sunday July 4th
I borrowed Barrie's break-up boots this morning and waded into the back yard to cut some rhubarb. As long as the dehydrator is out I thought I'd make some fruit leather. Barrie's Grandma Myrtle used to make it all the time in her oven. I don't even like it, so I've never made it before. I'm counting on Kasey to eat it.