This is a place for my friends and family to keep track of what I am up to. I share my current artwork, as well as some from the past - and also my photography, including some old photos.
Barrie gave three dogs a bath over the weekend. Maddy is drying herself off on the lawn while Jarvie takes her turn under the hose.
This is a perennial vine which I think is called "woodbine." Barrie decided it looked dead this spring and cut it down. It came back beautifully. The leaves turn a beautiful shade of bright red in the fall. You can see my silly hollyhock growing beside the vine.
Judi, Mary Lou and I ate lunch at the senior center today. Mary Lou is going back to Colorado tomorrow. We'll miss her.
Another job Barrie has put on her list is cutting a couple of big branches out of the pine tree. The biggest one has grown out over the carport. There's a garage in there someplace.
Don't laugh, but this is asparagus. I planted about a dozen plants years ago, and they are still there, down by the driveway. They get about 6 feet tall.
I think my peony bush got frosted this spring, as it is only going to have about 7 or 8 blooms on it. It is usually covered.
The vines Barrie cut to the ground are growing. Should take a picture of them.
This is Leslie with Snickers when she graduated from obedience school. She is a "therapy" dog. I think that's what you call it. Les takes her to nursing homes to visit with the patients.
Arggghhh! I hate my DVD/VCR player. One of the DVDs I made won't play in anything except my player. I know you have to "finalize" them if you play them in different players, and I thought I did. I brought it home and put it in my DVD player, and it started to play. I VERY carefully followed the instructions in the book - press stop, press the menu button, and choose "Disc Setting." So why is that choice greyed out, and I can't even choose it?
Then I got a new movie on eBay. I put it in my laptop computer, and it won't play. I put it in my DVD player, and get the message "this disc is not playable or recordable." This morning I tried it in the DVD drive of my desktop computer, and it played perfectly.
New playing on my XM radio - John Denver, "Back Home Again." Both my girls pretend to gag if I play John Denver, but I like him. Tracy worked for him when she lived in Aspen - his "Windstar Corporation", or something like that.
I transplanted a wild rose bush in my back yard years ago. I thought it died a long time ago, but looked out my window the other day, and the silly thing is blooming.
I bet the two cats have their noses out of joint.