Saturday, July 30, 2011

Is it hot, or is the uniform killing him?


I downloaded a book called "Familiar Quotations" for my Kindle. It was free. I just started reading it a couple days ago. It starts out with quotes from the bible. Here are a couple I had never heard before, and I think they are quite comical.

And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Matthew xv. 27.

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for they stomach's sake.
Timotny vi. 10.

Someone who knows the bible better than I do, are these for real? Judi?


I actually accomplished something today. I sorted through a pile of reference photos at my art table. Threw some away, and stuck some in the cupboard where I keep a file of photos. I'll have to deal with filing them later, but at least they are out of sight for a while.

Then I worked on a watercolor I started two weeks ago. It is going well. Then worked on a pencil drawing of my cat. If I keep this up, I might actually finish something this week.

I am listening to Tom T. Hall on my iPod. I love that guys songs.

Friday, July 29, 2011

When Barrie got the big philodrendrem plant moved into the living room, she moved my memory box, which was just leaning up against the wall in the corner. She moved it to the top of the dresser in my downstairs bedroom. I really like the way it looks there. And I can see what's in it.

It's full of tiny treasures my mother saved through the years, her wedding ring, my baby shoes, my hospital bracelet, a lock of hair from my first haircut, et.
I took a couple things out today to photograph them.

My dad was in the South Pacific during WWII. A guy he served with made things out of pieces of Japanese planes that had been shot down.

A close-up shows my dad's name engraved on one piece, and places he was stationed on the others. New Britain, Guadalcanal, etc.

I have a bracelet with my name engraved on it, and a little ring made with a seashell setting.


Kasey and Barrie went to Big Piney before they came home from Jackson. KC had a new cowboy hat, and Barrie is teaching her "hat etiquette."(How to take it off without bending the brim, etc.) She won't be packing water in this one.

Did you know Purple Cowboy is the official wine of the PRCA?

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Barrie and Kasey went to Jackson today on a grocery run. I stayed home to see Rob and Melba. Judi had another tip for them on a house on Tyler just as you go into Shelter Park. They were going to check it out.

After Rob and Melba left, I fixed some hamburger gravy and biscuits. Not too bad. Then, of all things, I laid down on my bed and took a nap. It felt so good! I always looked forward to taking a nap on weekend afternoons when I was working, and intended to take naps when I retired. I somehow never took naps after I retired.

The first thing Melba said when they got here was how beaautiful my yard is. Just thought I'd put that in case Barrie reads my blog today.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Kasey was playing with her bucket in the little ditch on the edge of the lawn. She fell and it must have hurt. Shorty is comforting her.

Then she went to her mother for hugs, and all the dogs look worried about her. Except for the pups, who took the opportunity to get a snack.

Barrie thinks Kimble is drying up and weaning her babies. They are sure anxious to see Barrie and get their dog food.


Melba Post called yesterday. They are in Riverton, and looking for property here. They want to come back to Pinedale when they retire. Rob has looked at the little house on the hill above me, and they are wondering if I would sell the top half of my two lots to them. They are coming over tomorrow to look at it.

My land is just a big gully above the ditch, but they could bring in fill and maybe build something like a garage on it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

More puppy

I don't have anything to post, so will borrow Barrie's pictures again. She took the pups in the yard again yesterday.

Kimble is such a nice dog. Not all sled dogs have a disposition like hers.

Kasey and a lap full of puppies.

Time for some refreshment after playing in the yard.


I've had a pair of doves at my place every summer for about the last four years. They didn't return this year. Something must have happened to them.


I took a container out of the freezer yesterday, thinking it was some kind of leftovers I could eat. Well, it's leftover chopped chicken, or it might be turkey. So now I need to make something with it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pupppy Day

Yesterday was an exciting days for the pups. First, the Meyers kids were here and played with them. This afternoon, Barrie and KC took them and their mom to the front yard to meet Maddy, Shorty and Jarvi.

Maddy and Shorty loved the pups. Jarvi was cranky, as usual, and didn't want anyone to have fun.

Maddy wanted to play with the pups so badly, but they are still in the "waddle and fall down" stage. Then the pups mother, Kimble, started playing chase with Maddy. They had a great time.

Kasy and Karma, carrying on a conversation.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Kathleen enjoyed the puppies.

Bridger holds one.

Brittani is holding Karma, and Judi is trying to get Cadence to pet her. This is the only picture I got of Cadence. Don't think she's a dog person!

Darin is Judi's son. He's Bridger's dad. I taught Darin in first grade.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I used to have so much patience. I could sit and draw and lose myself in the drawing for long periods of time. This is from an old sketchbook. I can't imagine sitting and staring at a pile of wood and drawing it. I've spent the morning doing the final proof reading on the book I wrote last fall in the NaNoWriMo activity. This photo shows the proof copy. There are so many mistakes, like writing "desert" when I meant "dessert", or forgetting what I named a town on page 81 and calling it something else on page 250, forgetting question marks, etc. I'm sure if I read through it again, I'd find just as many more. I finally figured out the "go to page" in Microsoft Word. What a life saver!

Now that that's done, wonder if I will take part in NaNoWriMo this fall?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I took a picture of my dead trees from down in the street. This gives a better idea of how large they are, how dead they are, and how naked my house will be without them.

This is Willie, our old mule. I loved this guy. I once took him home to mow our lawn. I rode him from Shelter Park with a halter and rope. Took a very, very, long time to get home. Willie enjoyed the trip, kept wanting to eat, and he would only turn one direction. I felt very sad when Will went "bear hunting".

Read in the paper that two of my old kindergarten students were arrested , climbing on the Moose outside the Chinese restaurant. They were arrested for public intoxication, and interferring with a police office. You make me so proud, boys!


My dead tree. There is another one behind it that is just as dead. RIP, pine trees. My house will look naked without them in my front yard.
Another funny picture I found on the Internet.

My my old sketchbook. Poor judgement on my part. I started to draw the old pump in my yard, and ran out of paper. So I taped some more paper on the bottom.


Quiet at art group today. Vicky and I were the only ones there for a while, then Joan D joined us. So good to see her. We visited about her girls being in kindergarten.

Barbara brought a picture of the quilt the group of ladies at the senior center made. It is a beautiful piece of art.


I think I need hearing aids. This morning, the guy who comes to the senior center checked my ears and removed a lot of wax. I guess my hearing improved, but still think I need aids. The guy is only here once day a month, so maybe next month I'll be getting fitted with some. Barrie would like it if she didn't have to listen to my iPod downstairs because it's too loud.

Monday, July 18, 2011


No post yesterday. I think I read all day.

Barrie went to Lander yesterday to get dog food. She invited me to ride along, but I didn't go. Should have, but felt too lazy.

I helped Barrie move the monster plant from the dining room into a corner of the living room. Made the dining room more spacious, and we can get in and out of the door now.

A drawing from one of my old sketch books. Think I might use this composition for a watercolor painting.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Another pup picture, going to sleep in Kasey's lap after five minutes exploring.

My brown thumb

When I bought this coleus plant, the leaves were a brilliant red with just an edge of green. I know you have to keep pruning back a coleus or it will get leggy. But this is ridiculous. How could I turn such a beautiful little plant into this pitiful looking thing? I'll try fertilizer. Can't hurt it.


By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

No one is listening until you fart.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I made deviled eggs for supper last night. Kasey peeled the eggs and smushed the yolks.

But I lost my prep cook when Barrie came up from the basement with a box of puppies.

I"m not sure which pup is which. One is a male and the other female. Didn't get the picture of the dark female, Karma. She is the most agressive and active of the three. The pups explored for about five minutes, then konked out, sound asleep.


At bedtime, KC came up to show me her elbow. It has an abrasion on it, but was red and swollen and felt hot. We don't know what happened to it. Never ask a four year old "how did that happen?"

While she was upstairs, she took a pen and held it like a microphone and sang Taylor Swift's song "Mean" for us. Then she belted out Zac Brown's band "Toes in the Water, Ass in the Sand."

Thursday, July 14, 2011


All of a sudden, my yard is in bloom. I wasn't sure what I had left in the way of flowers. My columbine has disappeared, no iris left, and very little delphinium.

The poppies by the front gate are in full bloom. They are so pretty, and they will turn so ugly after they bloom.

The white daisies are bloooming down in the lower corner of the yard, and all along the fence.

Oops! Should have done something with the rhubarb before it went to seed. Someone planted these behind my house many years ago before I lived here. They are planted in old tires.

More white daisies in the back yard in the tall grass. I see some of the purple Dame's Rocket is growing in the back yard now too.

My horoscope today says I should make finishing as many things as I can my primary task. I hate to be nagged.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Barbara brought some old paintings she had done years ago in a class. Vicky and I got these two away from her, and Vicky matted them. Barb is so talented, but so far she hasn't painted during art group. She gets a little closer to it each week.

Vicky brought this cartoon today. Boy, can we relate!

Barrie was working on a puppy pen when I got home today. Then a lighting storm moved through and it started to rain.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This is the male puppy. Eyes are opening. They are 15 days old. Barrie will get a puppy pen built outside soon, so their Mom can go out when she wants to. This pup is a hunk! His name is Kudor.

Found this in my laundry from the dryer. It's a shirt of Barrie's, and I love the design on it

I didn't take part in any of the Rendezvous activities. Just content to sit here in my cool house and read and work a little bit on a drawing.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Another Barrie drawing from an old sketch book. This shows the G&F planting fish. The truck is backed up to a lake (or creek) and the fish are coming out of the long tube. Don't know what that is at the top right.

Kris B. posted on Facebook that this plant was too large for their office, and it needed a good home. So guess who brought it home! Yea, Barrie. I don't know if it's supposed to look like that.

Last week when KC had a bad reaction to mosquito bites, Barrie gave her Benadryl and Ibprofen every hour fours. She was trying to keep her up until 9:00 so she could give her some just before bedtime. Notice Kasey has her horses and dogs all tied up.

Friday, July 8, 2011


i should have known better than to wait until today to cash a check and buy some groceries. The old Mountain Men would turn over in their graves if they could see Pinedale during Rendezvous. Never saw so many tents and booths before.

It wasn't hard getting to the bank, but getting in Ridley's parking lot was a challenge. A big tanker truck pulling a pup managed to partially block both entrances, and I couldn't get around it to go the correct way in the parking lot. So, like a tourist, I drove the wrong way.

Another old ball point pen drawing from one of the old sketch books.

Barrie drew this once, coming home from Jackson. She was in the front seat, looking at the dashboard of the pickup.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Good thing there are only three puppies. That's all KC can hold at one time.

This is Karma, I think. The others haven't been named yet.


Happy kid.


Paul and Tracy went home yesterday. She called to let me know they arrived. Now she has hours of cleaning camper, laundry, etc.

Small group at art this morning - only five.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Barrie, KC and I went to breakfast at the Wrangler this morning. Yummy sausage and eggs and a biscuit.

Headed to the lake Sunday afternoon, with some wildflowers Mom stopped and picked for her. Her eye is swollen almost shut from a mosquito bite she got over the weekend. Barrie got some Benedryl for her and put ice on it. Swelling went down right away.

Now THIS is a rare picture! Paul smiles a lot, but seems to know when a camea is pointed at him. I think this is the first time I ever got a picture of him smiling.

Kasey and Daisy bonding in the shade tent.