Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22, 2008 - Two watercolors

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Here are two watercolors I have done this spring. I wanted to try wood texture and rust, and was happy with the way it turned out. Lynn T. helped me with some highlights on the rust.

I wasn't at all interested in drawing or painting bears, but last fall I drove up to Moran Junction and went a ways into the Park. A grizzly sow and her three cubs were beside the road, and gave me lots of time and opportunity to photograph them. There were only six or seven people parked watching them. (That's what's nice about late fall in the Park.) She is known as Bear No. 399, and has been a popular bear with both the Park employees and the tourists. She hangs out close to the roads, which makes her popular with the tourists, and she doesn't cause any problems, which makes her popular with the Park employees. I didn't plan my painting well enough to have room to paint all three cubs.

I read in the Jackson paper that she has run her cubs off this spring, and has been seen in the company of a big male. I think her cubs are three years old. She kept them with her a long time

I said I didn't buy anything fun at WalMart, but I did buy a healthy looking Patio Tomato plant. I had one several years ago that lived in front of my south facing dining room window. It lived two years and produced a lot of tomatoes. They weren't too large, but they were not the little cherry tomatoes. I hope this one does well.


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