Monday, July 21, 2008

Another cool and cloudy day. So nice! We got a little thunder and lightning yesterday, but just a couple drops of rain. I could smell rain, so it rained somewhere not too far away.

The smell of rain got me thinking about my favorite smells. Rain is one, and newly mown hay is another. And of course the smell of bread in the oven is a favorite. But I have a favorite smell that may make some of you raise your eyebrows - I love the smell of corrals! I have been known to park next to loaded horse trailers and cattle trucks just to smell them.

I filled my pickup with gas this morning so I would have enough to get my cats to the vet and pick them up tomorrow! Good grief! -- $80.

I only have one of the mamma cats trapped and in the basement in a small dog crate. She is very unhappy. She was easy to catch. I just picked her up on the porch and put her in. The other one is evidently off hunting and Susie will be very unhappy with her if she has a full stomach. I will take them tomorrow, come home and see if I can trap more kittens, then go to pick them up in the afternoon.

Tracy called yesterday. She had just watched "Brokeback Mountain" on TV. She had never seen it before, and said she wasn't impressed with it. She said it really didn't have a good story or a plot.

I had watched it when it was available on Pay-Per-View TV. I kind of felt the same way about it. I have Annie Proulx's book with the short story in it, but have never read it. Annie is not one of my favorite authors - I think her stories are wierd. I remember the movie theater here would not show it, and the ladies at the County Library got it and showed it free of charge to the public. Way to go, ladies!!


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I did this watercolor some time ago. I was pleased with the sky, then splashed some dark spots on it when I painted the trees. So I turned them into birds.

Another page from my sketchbook. This may look like a waste of my time, but my drawing skills really did improve when I was faithfully sketching every day.


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