Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15

Two more pictures of Shoshoni:

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This is the little Presbyterian Church in Shoshoni. It is so pretty. They don't have their own minister, and I think one comes over from Riverton. I had thought this church was on the National Registry of Historic Buildings, but I'm not sure. It sits right on the highway that goes through town, and makes the town look good.

And this is on a side street in Shoshoni, on a vacant lot. There are lots of scenes like this. I keep thinking I will paint these two trucks. When you drive around town, you will see a pretty well-maintained house with a nice yard right next to an old abandoned house. I think it is a wonderful place to wander around and photograph.


My brother e-mailed me and said that Alice is doing better. I hesitate to call her in the hospital. I think sick people should be left alone to sleep without having the phone wake them up.

Yesterday a doe with twin fawns went through my back yard on the ditchbank. Her fawns are big and healthy looking. I didn't have time to grab the camera.

Then last night, just about sunset, a big buck was in my back yard, right under the window. The light had turned that golden color it gets close to sunset, and I can still see his velvet antlers and slick and shiny coat in my mind's eye. I have seen him several times before, and thought he was a five point - but as I watched him last night, I see he is a six point! WOW!


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