Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday Augusts 9

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I finished this watercolor a couple of weeks ago. I have never been able to put "leaves" on trees before. I used a sponge, and was pleased with the results.


Tracy and Paul had not eaten when they got here last night. I pulled some kielbasa and frozen vegetables out of the freezer, and we made stir fry over rice. Tracy kept adding things to it - more garlic, some lemon juice, some hot sauce, some mustard, etc. It was pretty good.

We missed the opening ceremony of the Olympics, but watched all the teams come in and the lighting of the torch. Always pretty spectacular. Today there are women fencers, a bicycle race, and men playing volleyball. I can't get too interested in that. I like the running events, swimming and gymnanists.

I fixed a big breakfast this morning of sausage, eggs, and sourdough hotcakes.

I had bought a new hinge and bolts for my front gate quite a while ago, and never got it put on. Paul did that for me today, and also put a new battery in a smoke alarm.

We went to Falers (oops, I mean Ridleys). Paul got his fishing license, and I bought a new 32 inch plasma TV for downstairs. Paul carried it up, and he and Tracy got it all set up. The receiver would not work correctly, and I ended up calling Dishnet technical support. Seems when a receiver has been unused for a period of time, it has to be reset, which he could do for me, and it works fine. So now I have TV both upstairs and downstairs.

Miley, their friends' dog they brought with them is only 9 months old, is big as a moose, and has no clue what "sit", "no", or "lay down" means. Tracy says she doesn't swim, so they will probably tie her up at their camp while they are out in the boat.


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