Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Some Really Old Pictures

Click on photos for a larger image.
When I began to use watercolors again, I painted this leaf. I think it's only about 2 inches across. I have tried since than to do a couple of still lifes with a fall theme, and have never been able to paint a leaf I liked as well as this. Who can figure?
A Couple of Very Old Photos -

This is Tracy's Grandad, Edmo (Bud) LeClair. He was a Shoshone Indian, and ranched near Fort Washakie. What a grand old man! I will always miss the great stories he told.

This is Tracy's Great Great Grandad, John Enos. His daughter was Bud's mother. I never knew him. I have another picture of him wearing a long Hudson Bay blanket coat, the tall reservation hat, and a pair of spare mocassins hanging from his belt. The family said he took a bath every day of his life. In the winter, the kids had to cut dead grass for straw to spread around the hole he chopped in the ice of the Wind River. After he bathed, he stood on the grass to dry off. And he lived to be about 100 years old!!


I attended the art group this morning. Wish we hadn't had the video on so long, it interferes with our social time!

Judi brought me some more toys for Kasey - then Dee C. came in with another bag of toys and books. And Tracy has bought a unicorn Halloween costume for her! And the other news is that Barrie has called me and she and Kasey are coming to visit tomorrow afternoon.

Judi is leaving for Texas to babysit Chase's kids. His wife is going back to college. Rolli will join her later in the winter. Vicky is going to go with her so she won't have to travel alone, then Vicky will fly back. They will have a good time and see lots of sights. I reminded them about "Thelma and Louise", and asked them to behave themselves and avoid the Grand Canyon.

The rest of my new Unison pastels came today. I have 90 pieces now, and that should be enough to produce a masterpiece!! (Ha)


  1. Love the old photos of grand dad and gr grand dad, They look like wonderful men.

    o.k. ..... tell me why it looks like gr grand dad has a purse.

    I'm glad you got your pastels. You should have lots of fun with them. I like working with mine.

    Love, Lynn

  2. This is Lynn Thomas' friend, Betty, from Nevada. Wonderful old pictures Such strong people. They just don't make them like this anymore. We all like our creature comforts too much!
