Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Art Stuff:

I had a pleasant surprise when I went to the art group meeting at Rendezvous Pointe this morning. Nancy was there! It had been a long time since she has attended, and I enjoyed visiting with her so much.

I helped Terry check in and write the prices on the new mats we ordered. Really nice mats, and I guess we had better really get busy painting to put something in them.

Have been keeping up with Judi's blog - she and Vicky were in Kansas yesterday. Sounds like they are having a wonderful time. I've never been in Kansas. One of my all time favorite movies is "The Wizard of Oz". I once saw a T-shirt that said "Dear Aunt Em: Hate you, hate Kansas, took the dog". Signed "Dorothy". Yes, I know I have a sick sense of humor, but I thought it was funny.

My friend Betty C. called (Gina's daughter). Haven't seen her for ages, and really enjoyed visiting with her. Betty's son was in my kindergarten class (can't believe he's grown up now). Betty worked with me as a teacher's aide for a while too - we had fun. And I'm sure Betty remembers when I won the "Garden of Beauty" award. Well, let's not share that story, Betty. OK?


My brother and sister-in-law celebrated their 50th wedding anniversay with a big picnic and gathering in their yard last summer. I think about 100 friends, relatives and neighbors attended. It was a wonderful day. This is their youngest grandchild. I took his picture at the end of the day. He had been so busy and active all day - and I named this photo "The End".

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