Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wildlife in my yard

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This buck was in my yard this morning. I have seen him several times this summer. Earlier, I thought he was a five point. As his antlers grew, I decided he was a six point. Now it is clear he has 6 on one side and 7 on the other, plus funny looking little knobs growing at the base of his antlers.

This baby moose and his mom were sleeping on the ditchbank in my back yard today. There were too many trees to photograph his mother, but I managed to get a shot of him laying down behind some grass - at least his head. He's not very little any more, and his legs look six feet long!

I did not photograph the other wild animal that was in my yard. I looked out on the front porch yesterday afternoon and there was a skunk on the porch, helping himself to the cat food. If he keeps coming back, it might complicate my trapping cats.

1 comment:

  1. O.K. That does it! I'm getting the new 12X camera.

    The photos, the wildlife, are just beautiful. Hope to see the skunk soon. HA!

    Did you see Judi's Snake?
    Did you see my bear picture?

    Love, Lynn
