Monday, September 1, 2008


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Quite a few years ago, I took a class in "Etching" through the Adult Education Program. The high school artroom had an etching press. Etching is such an interesting process. It involves melting wax (I think) onto a steel plate, then scratching the image in to reveal the plate. Then putting it in acid to eat into the plate. After you clean it up, you ink the plate and roll it through this heavy duty press to emboss it on paper. You can repeat this inking and printing process as often as you want. My explanaition of the process is pretty elemtary. I remember my biggest problem was getting dog hair into the wax during the melting process. Then the acid would eat the dog hair away, leaving the steel plate exposed, so it became part of the image.

Anyway, here are two of the etchings I produced.

I went to sleep last night to the sound of rain on the roof. So Nice!! Seems like we have had a very dry summer. Today it rained, and also spit a little snow. As I live on the hillside, I can't see the mountains from my house, but I can see the mountains to the northwest, and I could see they had fresh snow.

I read on Judi's blog that Vicky has flown home, and that Judi is deep into being grandma and a school teacher again. Sounds like she is having fun, but we miss her!


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