Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday, September 6

Barrie and Kasey Visit:

Click on image to see a larger version

Barrie and Kasey spent the afternoon and evening. We had shrimp, steaks, and fry bread for supper. Kasey, as always, made sure we were entertained every minute, until she wore down and had to have a nap. We can get Barrie's laptop on my home wireless network by using the card that came with my router. But couldn't get it to print on the shared printer. So frustrating! She hasn't really had the time to try to get on the internet at one of the public places. Maybe we will get it working yet.

We had a wonderful evening until Barrie went out to put the dogs and some things in the pickup. In the dark, the animal down by the fence looked like a cat to the dogs, so of course they tried to chase it. Big mistake. The nice calm skunk who eats cat food on my porch didn't stay too calm when two heelers came at him. The dogs will have to stay in the back of the pickup in the shell camper tonight, the smell immediately came in my house, and I'm sure both Barrie's and my clothes smell. When Barrie woke Kasey up to go home, Kasey wrinkled up her face and rubbed her nose.

I didn't even try to scan any more slides today. I'll just wait for the new scanner. With a scanner that I don't have to wait on to warm up, or adjust the bulb, and it will scan four slides at once, they should go pretty fast. Yes, I know - Murphy's Law. Something will go wrong. But I will think positive!

Barrie looked at some of the slides tonight - holding them up to the light with one eye closed, and she said she can't wait until I get them scanned so she can see them. A lot of her childhood has been captured on those slides. Neither of us wanted to go drag out the old slide projector and try to look at them on a white wall.



  1. Well..... what are you doing up blogging at this hour?

    Have been enjoying it each day. Sorry about the skunk. Maybe the dogs will have learned not to do THAT again. And maybe not.

    Love, Lynn

  2. I was reading a recent issue of Wy Wildlife just before I left and they had a recipe for washing dogs who get into skunks. It had nothing to do with tomato juice. I wish I had written it down. What a mess. Judi
