Thursday, September 18, 2008


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Barrie Reading to Kasey

I'm so happy that Kasey likes books. She doesn't sit still for long, but makes it through a short book. I ordered some more books for my house this afternoon - things like the board books "Brown Bear" and "The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly".

Today Kasey learned to lift the lid on the toilet stool. At first she shut it on her fingers, but this is what greeted me when I went to the bathroom after she left.


I finished scanning the slides in the storage cases today. Now I have to start on the ones in plastic sleeves. I'm not sure I will do all of them, but need to go through them anyway. I hope they haven't deteriorated more than the ones in boxes. "I'm pretty sure the plastic sleeves are not the right material to safely store slides.

Barrie and Kasey were here most of the afternoon. I got out "Nester", Barrie's old stuffed horse that went everywhere with her when she was little, but I never got a picture of Kasey with it. We talked about the toys I have on shelves and in boxes in the basement, and we will probably bring them up, one or two at a time. Most of them are ones Barrie or Tracy had when they were a little older.


  1. Could that be the Buzz Lightyear I gave you? What fun to see that Kasey has been playing with whatever manner! Judi

  2. I enjoy your blog. Laughed at the snowman/woman/baby photo. I saw that on a drive, and somewhere, I have the same photo.
