Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cool Weather

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Good Bye, Falers.
I haven't been in Ridley's for a while. But the last time I was in there, I noticed all the animal mounts on the walls were gone. I asked the cashier about it, and she said they had been sent out to be cleaned. After I came home, I started thinking about her answer, and really began to wonder about it. Somehow, it didn't sound plausible. I wonder if all the help was instructed to tell customers that if they asked. I will be surprised to see the "cleaned" mounts up again.

Here are two kittens I had the summer before last. They both seem to be gone now. I think these were both toms, and toms seem to disappear faster than the females.

This dog lived next door to me, well, actually, across the street. He was left alone all day, and they left this upstairs window open for him. He immediately knocked the screen out, and tore up the blinds so he could see out. An interesting group of kids lived here. Sometimes there were a dozen or so standing out on the deck, smoking pot. And sometimes the cops stopped by and confiscated the pot. I never saw anyone get arrested. The young men who live there now all seem to go to work every day, and aren't nearly as entertaining!


I sat up way too late last night reading. I got a new sheet of watercolor paper taped off into four sections and decided to practice painting quakie trees. I used torn masking tape to mask out the trunks of the trees in each section, and that is as far as I got. I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day for painting!


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