Monday, October 6, 2008


Three photos I like:
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This is the gate on the horse corrals at Green River Lake. I like this photo. I like gates, I like wood, and can just see the bored horses standing in the corral chewing on the gate.

This is St. Huberts church in Bondurant. The photo had nothing going for it - pretty blah, so I applied a filter from my collection to give it more interest.

This was a rock formation where the Wild Horse Tour Road meets the Interstate - called the Pilot Butte Exit, I think. It's not far from Green River, and there are so many beautiful rock formations around Green River. I wasn't able to get the whole scene into one shot, so I took two pictures and merged them together on the computer.


I finished a watercolor yesterday, but am not impressed with it. It is going to end up on the floor of the shower, where I take the hand held shower head, turn it to the hardest spray, and wash off all the paint I can. Then I tape it down to a board and try my luck with the other side

I have taped off four sections on a sheet of watercolor paper, and am going to spend some time on practice - sky, rocks, water, etc. and not even try to complete a painting for a while. I will be spending more time with my pastels.


The little orphan kitten is growing up - he"s ready for a litter box, and I don't have what I need. He stays awake longer, and likes to play a little. He seems to like the canned cat food and tried to eat some today from my finger, so it won't be long until he is eating on his own.

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