Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More old Artwork


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Jack, drinking coffee - a pencil drawing

Pen and ink rabbit


Barrie decided not to go to Jackson today, so I didn't have Kasey. But I will have her tomorrow. Am looking forward to it.

Went to art group this morning at Rendezvous Pointe, and started a new painting with quakie trees and snow. The only problem is, I really can't paint snow! I am working on some small studies of fall leaves at home. I am enjoying doing the small studies, and want to do some skies, rocks, water, and other kinds of trees.

I probably have at least a dozen projects started at home - some watercolor, some pencil drawings, and some pastel.

It's a beautiful sunny day today. Sure doesn't seem like late fall in Pinedale. The temperature is not that high, but the sun feels so warm.

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