Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Painting Day

A Tree Study

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I did these exercises on a piece of 10 x 16 watercolor paper, taped off into four sections. The first is done wet on wet, the second is wet on dry, the third a combination, and the last was done with Daniel Smith Primatek colors (earth minerals.) I think these studies will help me a lot in my larger paintings. Today I started four small studies of quakie trees.

There's a cat on my foot!!

Scanned from a slide of a photo I took at Murdock's branding. Tracy is giving the calf a shot, and I think the wrestlers are Lars and Delta.


Today was art group at Rendezvous Pointe. Pam brought beautiful tomatoes from her greenhouse for us, and banana bread. Conley brought homemade jerky. Vicky brought cookies, and Barb brought cashew nuts. Also, they make popcorn at the center on Wednesdays. It was a good grazing day!

Judi asked about the old gun and the skull. We were on Mocroft's land when the gun was found, and the gun was given to Mr. Mocroft. I was teaching with Ellen R. at the time, and when she saw this little boy pointing a "stick" at other kids and yelling "bang, bang", she told him to put the stick down. He called back "It's not a stick, it's a gun". That sure gave us a jolt!!

The Sheriff's Department went out to where the skull was found, which was at the bottom of a steep bank along the creek. They found no more skeletal parts, and think probably anything else that had been there had been washed away when the bank collapsed into the creek through the years. I don't know where the skull was sent, but they thought it was a young Indian girl, about 13 years old.


  1. Interesting about the skull. George Snow said there were Indian graves on that 2-humped hill, also on Mocrofts. Your gun story reminds me of when I was teaching & a boy brought his mom's old cell phone to school (back when cells were rare & no kids had them). It had no service plan but suddenly all the town's emergency vehicles showed up. 911 still worked.
    I love the red flaming colors on your 4-part watercolor study. JAM

  2. I had to comment on your four watercolor study. Just love the color. I was going to tell you which was my favorite, but decided I like them all.


