Friday, October 17, 2008

An Owl Drawing

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I have discovered another old drawing I had forgotten all about. I think there are a few more from the past in the basement.

Tracy has told me she had a nightmare that I died and she had to come clean out my basement. Of course, a lot of the things down there are hers, but she doesn't want them. She is not a "keeper" or "collector" like I am. I have steeled myself and thrown out a few things she specifically told me to. But it's sure hard.

I don't keep things like my mom did, though. She couldn't throw anything away, and still had every photograph, old receipts and cancelled checks from about 1930. She thought they would be interesting to someone some day.

Lunch Counter Rapids on the Snake River

I took pictures at the Lunch Counter Rapids in the Snake River Canyon, and here is one. Later, I did this trip. It was not on one of the large commercial rafts, but on a 9 person raft with a group of friends who worked at The Learning Center in Jackson. I can't begin to tell you how scared I was when we got near the rapids and could hear them. But as soon as we were through them, I wanted to take the raft back up river and do it again.

A photographer from Jackson is on the bank all day every day in the summer, photographing the rafts, and then sells prints. I have a picture of my trip, and will scan it and post it.

1 comment:

  1. I did the raft trip with Cheeneys years ago! The photographer at the time took the pictures and sent them to Jackson via carrier pigeon! I thought that was the coolest thing ever.
