Sunday, October 19, 2008


Quakie Trees

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I enjoy painting quakies. In these studies, I used torn masking tape strips to mask out the trunks. I tried several techniques on the trunks, and am happiest with applying the color with a pallette knife on damp paper. I also tried painting the branches with a pallette knife in the third one, and I kind of like the effect.

Another piece I just "found". Don't laugh, but I "found" it on my downstairs bathroom wall. It has been hanging there a long time, and I am so used to it being there that I don't even notice it. Maybe it's time to hang a different painting in there! This is about 12 x 14, and is done with colored pencils. I must have spent hours and hours on it!


Yesterday the kitten discovered its tail, and spent a long time "playing" with it. He became a little frustrated, and that made his tail switch even more. He must have figured it out by now, because today he ignored his tail. Instead, he found that he had a shadow, and spent a lot of time trying to catch his shadow.

Tracy called yesterday and we had a good visit. We usually talk every weekend, but we missed last week for some reason. I forgot to ask her if they made an offer on the condo in Florida.

We don't seem to know what we are doing for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Don't know what Bill and Alice are planning, or if Barrie will be able to go out of town. Guess we better all make some plans.

Bill and Alice just got high speed internet. He says it is so fast he doesn't know what to do with all his spare time now! I am so glad they finally don't have to deal with a slow dial-up connection.

1 comment:

  1. You are REALLY a very good ARTIST..... and then some... I do love your work, When ya gonna sell me some???????? love nanny
