Monday, November 17, 2008


The last several times the Bank changed hands, I didn't even notice it. This chanage to Wells Fargo is not so smooth. I had automatic payment set up with several companies, like the power company, telephone company, my pickup payment, Union Cellular, life insurance, home insurance, and my Blue Cross insurance.

I got an overdue notice from Union Cellular, and when I called to see what had happened, the woman said they had submitted it, but the payment did not go through. So I paid that with my credit card. By the way, do you know that if you call Union Cellular, you get to talk to a real person! How nice, instead of listening to a recording and pressing "2 if you want . . .". Then sitting and waiting because all their people are busy with other customers.

I was little concerned that all my bills were going to be unpaid, so tried calling. I gave up after about 20 minutes waiting until someone was available. Then I tried to register so I could have online access to my account, and could not register without my ATM PIN number. I don't even have an ATM card.

I started over today, and was finally on the phone with a very nice helpful Wells Fargo person, who set my account up differently, with free checks and interest paid on my balance. That's nice. They set me up with user name and password so I can do everything online. I will probably change the method of paying bills. I tried to set up online bill payment several years ago, and it never happened. I don't think they knew what they were doing then. So I set it up individually with each company. The Wells Fargo person thought it was not a good idea for all those companies to have my account information, and I suppose he's right.

When I just now accessed information about my account, I find that they have two savings accounts listed for me, and I only have one. I'm tired of dealing with it today. I'll be like "Scarlet" in "Gone With the Wind" and think about it tomorrow.

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