Monday, November 10, 2008

A Kasey Day

It snowed just a bit this morning, but not enough to even make the ground white. I am so ready for snow, but I guess it had better wait until my friend Lynn gets moved to town!! She has been so busy, and keeping her two daughters pretty busy too, during this moving process. Her new house looks beautiful, and I know they will enjoy it.

I have Kasey today, and as usual she is entertaining me. She and the kitten play, and the kitten left red scratches on one of her hands. I don't know when it happened, because Kasey never fussed about it. The kitten plays rough, and I spray her with a water bottle once in a while when she bites my feet. The kitten seems to be napping somewhere now, and Kasey is in her baby cage (what Judi calls a porta crib) reading and jabbering to herself getting ready for a nap. She ate a banana for lunch, and I tried to slip a grape in on her. She wanted no part of it.
Click on images for a larger view
Kasey pushing Buzz Lightyear's button.

Kasey with a cat attached to her leg.

Eating bananas

Please take this slimy thing off my fork!


  1. I really like the pic of the kitten attached to Kasey's leg. So precious. I think she looks a lot like Barrie there. And there's Buzz! JAM

  2. The Walmart "Wish Book" for Christmas is here and they have Sock Monkeys! Would you believe - they sell for $15.00 each! Just thought you'd want to know. JAM
