Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well, Thnksgiving is over, and now we have an abundance of leftovers - turkey, ham, and pies, mostly. Everyone eats leftovers for lunch, and pick at them all day, but there is so much left! Barrie made chicken enchiladas Friday. They were deliciious! I had a pan of frozen lasagna in the freezer, and we had that today. And of course there are leftovers from them too.

Mike and Barb and Braxton went home today. It was so great to see them, they helped make the holiday special. Braxton has changed so much since the last time I saw him. I guess that's the nature of children!

Mike took Braxton for a walk up on the ditchbank, and he came home with a deer skull and some bones. He was pretty excited. The next day, he found an antler up there.

Barrie and Kasey were both still a little under the weather, but they are better. Kasey. of course. totally charmed everyone.

Alice has been doing a lot of work with gourds, and brought about 20 of her pieces over for me to photograph. We set up the backdrop and card table upstairs today, put the camera on the tripod - and I started taking pictures. She has some really neat ones! I am posting just a couple of my favorites here. The gourds photograph well, but she had one bronze of a cow and calf that just doesn't. Bronzes are so hard for me to photograph. I have a small light box, and we are going to try the bronze again tomorrow in the box.

Click on images for a larger view


I did a terrible job taking pictures. The only pictures I have are two that Barrie took with my camera. Braxton has parted with some of his old books, and they also brought a wooden alphabet puzzle for Kasey. Here is my niece Barb, working on the puzzle with Kasey.


  1. Hi Duene, Next time Alice comes over hope you might think about stopping by for a visit. Would love to see you both. Looks like she's doing neat and unique things with the gourds.
    Love, Lynn

  2. Alice's "peep show" gourd is delightful. JAM

  3. Duene, those Gourds are amazing. I love them, Sweet Grass and All.
