Monday, November 24, 2008


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I found this little pencil drawing of a pinecone in a drawer yesterday. It is only about three inches square.

Kasey, reading "The Gingerbread Man". I don't like using the flash, but it is necessary sometimes. I also like to try to catch "candid moments", when she is not looking at the camera.


Barrie brought diaper rash ointment, children's tylenol, and Triaminic cold and cough medice for Kasey this morning. She said Kasey coughed last night and wouldn't eat breakfast. She puttered around here, played with the kitten and with some toys, and looked at her books. I fixed her some lunch, and she ate like a horse. But she had started coughing again. I checked out the cough medicine, and have never seen anything like it before! It looks like a bandaide for a Barbie Doll, and is supposed to dissolve instantly on the tongue. I think Barrie just hands it to her and tells her to eat it. But I hid it under some spagetti-O's, and she ate it. When I put her in her bed for a nap, she went to sleep almost immiately.

I took some old black ugly bananas out of the freezer this morning, and hope to get a loaf of banana bread made today.

Barrie took the glass dishes off the top open shelf in the kitchen for me, and I have them in the dishwasher. They were SO BAD. Dust and grime!

When I was a kid and had allergy attacks, I remember how tired it made me. After my dust yesterday, I am looking at my recliner chair longingly. Would be nice to take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. I tried drawing a pine cone once & appreciate the beauty in yours. Like the way the cone scales curl. You have awesome sketches. JAM
