Saturday, November 15, 2008

Painting Progress

Work in Progress - Old Cabin

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It looks like I probably won't get this finished for a while, so decided to post what I have so far. It looks like I need to bring the roof line down on the right side. It will look different when I paint the logs, so I will wait and see. Also need to vary the line of the tin left on the roof. I didn't plan on the tree on the left, but my blue paint had a little hard granule in it and left a mark in the sky. It was either turn the mark into birds, or put in another tree to cover it.


I'm not sure if Kasey was showing off for the camera, or if she just enjoys looking at her reflection in the lens.

I am sort of shopping for a new VCR/DVD player recorder today. The one I have upstairs does not work right, and gets my temper going when I try to use it. I recorded a Discovery Channel program onto a DVD last night - at least the little icon was turning that said it was recording. When the program was over, the DVD recorder would not turn off, and we ended up just unplugging it. This morning I plugged it in and turned it on. It took me about an hour to get it to communicate with my TV, and then it told me that DVD was blank.

Not much progress on my cleaning and organizing today. I did get the little windows in my front door washed, and did some dusting upstairs. But that is about it. I had sort of planned on cleaning up my font yard and porch this morning, but the wind was blowing so hard I didn't do it. When did I become such a fair-weather person??

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