Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pencil drawing of Kasey

A Pencil Drawing of Kasey

Click on image for a larger view

This may not be quite finished yet, but it's close. I always like to set things back for a while before calling it done. I usually can see things that need more work when I put it out of sight for a while.


Cold, windy, and frequent short snow storms today. I woke up some time during the night and saw big fat flakes coming down, and was disappointed this morning to see that the snow didn't last.

Yesterday was a busy day. I went to the bank, then to the courthouse to get the license plate renewal for my pickup. I had to wait in line there. Then went to the feed store (which I can never find), and got three bags of cat food.

Then I went to AtoZ to exchange the litter box for the covered one. They didn't have a covered one, so I decided that Barrie must have seen the covered one somewhere else. So I went to Ridley's. I couldn't find one there, and asked a clerk for help. She looked and looked, and finally saw them way up on the highest shelf, where you couldn't even tell for sure what they were. She climed up and got them down, and I bought one.

After finally finding a litter box, I shopped for groceries. I had hoped to maybe start to stock up for Thanksgiving, but the only thing I got was the makings for Chex Party Mix. I plan to have both turkey and ham, and all the turkeys they had were huge. Barrie is going to look in Jackson to see if she can find a smaller turkey.

I will probably be in Jackson before Thanksgiving, and I'm sure I will have better luck shopping there. I just have a bad attitude about Ridley's. The aisles are too narrow, it seems messy to me, and I can't find anything.

When Barrie was little, she had "monkeys" (in her mind). They seemed to go everywhere with us, and she would tell her Dad to slow down while driving down the highway so the monkeys could catch up and jump in the back of the pickup. I ruined the whole thing! I made her two sock monkeys - the ones made with men's work socks, the kind with a red heel. Barrie never had her imaginary monkeys after that. She did, however, have a bunch of chickens.

I went through the box of stuffed animals I have in the basement yesterday, found the monkeys and brought them up for Kasey.


  1. Love the sketch of Kasey - what a lucky kid to have her portrait done already. Your talents cover such a vast array, Duene. Also liked Mad & Stan's wedding pic. Do we get to see a pic of those sock monkeys? JAM

  2. We were up in Jackson today - they had small turkeys there, and almost no great big ones. I almost got one, but we're trying to use things out of the freezer, so's not to have to move it all.
    Love, Lynn

  3. oops, didn't say - we were in Smith's where we saw the turkeys. I also like the drawing of Kasey - it looks just like her - in the pictures you've been showing of her - you have really captured her personality.
