Sunday, December 21, 2008

So Cold!!

I haven't checked to see how cold it actually was last night, but it was 18 below zero when I went to bed last night. We keep getting forecasts for snow, but it won't snow when it is that cold.

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Kasey woke up from her nap yesterday with cold feet. Barrie had received a pair of really neat socks for Christmas, and put them on her to warm her up faster.

We finally had to take this little crocheted ornament away from Kasey. She was starting to eat it! I am pretty sure it had been starched with sugar water, and tasted pretty good. She yells "Don't" at the cat all the time. Kat steals her little ornaments and plays with them. I found them all over the house.


Gina mentioned how their cat destroys the tree every day. Kat is not too bad, and I think it is partly from inexperience. Having the little pile of ornaments on the table next to the tree probably distracts her. But the best cat "weapon" is a can of air, like what we clean our computer keyboards with. She is scared of the sound it makes, and immediately quits what she is doing. I don't even have to be close to her. As soon as she sees me pick up the can, she is gone.

I haven't knit for a long time. Yesterday I thought I would try knitting a pair of socks in a Kasey size. I just barely got started, put the sock and yarn on the table by my chair, and went to get a kleenex. That's all the time Kat needed to get it, run off with the ball of yarn, and unravel the small amount of stitches I had done.

I know some of you have used a computer technician in Pinedale, but I can't remember who it was. I want to call someone tomorrow and at least get started on fixing the desktop computer. You can e-mail me information about who you used, if you could. Thanks.


Later . . . . I tried once more to get the desktop computer back in order. I had intended to start it in safe mode, but it started regularly and the keyboard and mouse are working perfectly. Weird!

1 comment:

  1. Mike Key has done a great job on our big computer & kept it working for longer than it's lifespan. I highly recommend him. He works on Rendezvous Pointe's computers & they have his phone number. There is also someone with a last name that rhymes with Freedom. Maybe it was Freedom. He left his cards at RP. He sounded very knowledgeable. JAM
