Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter Weather

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We had a nice snow yesterday, with little or no wind. Not very much snow, though. It looks like this snow will stay around, as it is cold! My thermometer said it got down to 2 degrees last night, and it is only 20 degrees now. The trees, bushes and fences were covered with frost this morning.


I finished the pencil drawing of a mountain lion. I'm never sure what to do with the background, so I never do anything. The few times I have attempted to make a background for my pencil drawings, I always wish I had just left it alone.

I would like to finish the watercolor today that I started last week in our painting group, so I can start on something new tomorrow.


The UPS guy picked up the bike yesterday, and brought me two packages. They were both for the cat - a bed, a scratching post, and the can of spray deterrent.

The spray works great, but the kitten got brave and ran the barricade some time during the night, because she was under the bed this morning, and was afraid to walk through the door opening to get out.

She wants nothing to do with either the scratching post nor the bed. The bed looks so comfy, but right now she is laying on the carpet with her head on my foot. I suppose she will get so she sleeps in it and uses the scratching post. If she likes the bed and uses it, it will be much easier to keep her out of my room and off my bed.


  1. Duene:

    I have heard of the artist you mentioned. He's very good.

    Really like this area, I'm sure it has grown since you were here. Here in Apache junction though, there's still some open spaces. We're going to Barleen's opry Monday night, they've been around playing music in this area for 30 years....more Superstition mountain pics in the future

  2. Duene, Your pictures are gorgeous! And how did you do that frame? Was that in PhotoShop? Very effective. Also, I just did a cougar in watercolor in much the same pose only facing the other way. I'll send you an email if that is okay. Might give you an idea ...

    Love your blog even though I don't pop in too often.

    Judy Meyer

  3. Well, this message was rude! :-)
    I tried to send the pictures and got this. I guess my email address for you isn't quite right.


    "550 5.7.1 mBBJ3R6O020224 This message does not comply with required standards.
    554 ... Service unavailable"
