Friday, January 23, 2009


Some more old photos from scanned slides.

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This photo of the Tetons was taken when I took the photography class at Teton Science School. Got some great shots during that week.


Barrie, about 5 or 6 years old, waiting out an August hailstorm at Fremont Lake. She is barefoot, wearing a swimsuit, and her down jacket and knit hat. And protecting herself from the hail with the lid from a cooler. We had gone about half way up the lake in a boat, and I wonder why we were smart enough to have her coat and hat with us?


Old Sketchbooks

Tonight I got all my old sketchbooks out and looked through them. There are about 12 of them. A pretty interesting trip back into the past! So be prepared to be bored with scans or photos of some of the pages! My drawing skills were better in the past than they are now, and I think it is because I did so much more drawing and sketching.

Almost all my old sketchbooks have pages on which my girls, and also Kelly, drew pictures . I'm so glad they are in there. I don't remember drawing when I was a kid. I know art classes were not offered in school back then. I don't want to say how long ago that was! I just remember being upset because girls could take "home ec" class, but not agriculture.


Do you think cats have a separate nerve center for their tails? My cat appears to be sound aleep sometimes, but the tip of her tail is still twitching. And sometimes she watches the tail twitch, then hisses and attacks it.

1 comment:

  1. Love your old pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Interesting theory about cat tails. JAM
