Thursday, January 1, 2009

Snowy Thursday

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.

A really beautiful snowy day today. I think we have several new inches of snow, no wind, and not terribly cold. The snowflakes just keep drifting down.

Click on images for a larger view
I took this picture out my living room window today. I like the snow laying on the pine branches with some of the needles sticking through. I got inspired to do a drawing of it, so have started a small pencil sketch.

Icicles out my kitchen window.
I got my garbage in the back of my pickup today, and drove down to the end of my driveway to the dumpster. I drove on the street, not my driveway, as it is blocked with a big drift. I needed to shovel the dumpster out, but the shovel had slid up in the bed of the truck and I couldn't reach it, so I just waded in the snow. The dumpster is overflowing.

Barrie came by, and left Kasey while she went out to take care of her dogs. Kasey laid down for a nap, and has been sleeping ever since. What a boring child!! She should be awake any minute now, and the fun and games will begin.

A cow and calf moose were hanging around my house all morning, but were never out in the open from the willows enough for me to get a good picture. But I enjoyed watching them.


  1. Both of those photos could be Hallmark Christmas card. WOW. You have such an eye. JAM

  2. Some of the content is very worthy of my drawing, I like your information!
