Thursday, January 22, 2009


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I worked on this painting yesterday in art group at Rendezvous Pointe. It is pretty close to completion. I am rather pleased with how the elk turned out - they're not perfect, but I have not painted many elk before. Especially just a couple inches high!

I will try to finish this today, and compose another one. I think I would like it better with soft subdued mountains in the background instead of that big hillside.

I have so many sketchbooks around, some of them are really old, and none of them are full! Sometimes I look through them, just to see what I have done in the past. It is pretty interesting. I found this drawing I did - an attempt to copy a drawing Albrecht Durer did of his mother. I wonder if his mother ever saw it, and if she hit him if she did! It's an excellent drawing, but surely she wasn't THAT ugly!


Lynn's applesauce and apple pie sure looked good. Several years ago, a neighbor of my brother at Riverton had a couple of apple trees that were loaded. I don't know what kind of apples they were, not the kind you polish on your sleeve and eat. They were kind of small, and tart. I ended up with a lot of them. I canned some, made applesauce, froze some in slices, dehydrated some, and made a couple of pies. I found a recipe for apple pie filling (canned) that was delicious. I think I canned about 7 quarts for pies. Lynn mentioned how tiring it was peeling and slicing all those apples. After I did all my apples, I saw a hand cranked apple peeling machine advertised. I wonder how it worked.

I bet it took me more than two weeks to get through all those apples. I don't do that anymore!

I put all the apple peelings out in my back yard, and the next day there were several deer there eating them. Later, I took a bag to my mom's house in Riverton, and picked up a bunch of crab apples off her lawn. The deer enjoyed them too.

I am so envious of all the things Judi and Rolli are seeing. The old missions are so beautiful and so interesting.

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