Friday, January 9, 2009

Whole Lotta Nuthin"

Maybe I'm getting bored with winter? I don't have new pictures of anything, so went back and found some old summer photos scanned from slides. The water skiier is on Fremont Lake. The flare caused by the sun shining on the lens is not usually desirerable, but I kind of lked the effect on this photo. I'm not sure, but I think the skiier is Billy Mitchell.

Click on images for a larger view.

I took a photography class in Jackson from Teton Science School once. It was wonderful! This is one of the photos I took.


Nancy sent an e-mail with cute little animals with funny sayings. I especially like this one: "I would be unstoppable if I could just get started". Actually, I don't have that much problem starting things. I just have problems finishing!

I started a drawing of a cow and calf (not Lynn's picture), and I am stuck on it. I am not sure what to do with it next, so it is "resting" for a while. I laid out a watercolor of elk on a snowy hillside today, but don't want to start on it until I go to art group next week. The scene is pretty simple, but I don't know how I will handle painting four little elk. They many turn out to be buffalo, or maybe even trees!

It was so good to hear from Lynn today. I've been waiting for her return to her blog to see how she is doing.

I made three attempts to start a new sock for Kasey before I got it started. First, I dropped one of the needes out of the stitches. Then the cat leaped up and got a needle. The third time I finally got it going. I am ready to decrease for the toe now. The trouble with socks is that when you finish one, you still need to make another one. This yarn did not stripe as nicely as I had hoped, and the colors are not that pretty.

1 comment:

  1. We want a pic of the sock!!!!
    I just started a new pair too.. of course, before my other pair is done....

    See if you can sell that skier pic to the tourism board! It's as good as anything they use! Look at that glassy water up front - and Billy! Oh my goodness, you do have some treasures!
    Have a good weekend, Duene.
