Sunday, February 22, 2009


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Kasey and I are doing a watercolor in one of my little plein air books with a small field set of watercolors.

Kasey is trying out her mom's shoes.

Barrie was in the picture taking mode yesterday. She kept grabbing my camera and "shooting"


I have finished my online "Sudoku" puzzle today. I try to do one every day - it's about the only exercise my brain gets!

I found one of the missing puzzle pieces in the middle of the studio floor this morning. The cat had it hidden somewhere and brought it out. I think there are still three pieces missing.

My front gate still won't close - ice build up, and I have left it open all winter. But now the neighbor's dog (I'm sure it's a Pit Bull) has discovered the cat food on the front porch, and is a regular visitor. When I try to chase him away, he just backs up and barks at me. He makes me nervous, and I want to keep the gate closed. They have a small fenced yard. I don't know why they don't use it.

I have been debating whether to make a jello salad or a macaroni salad, but time has passed and I don't feel like making either one. Guess I will depend on yesterday's kielbasa and potato casserole and a piece of toast.

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