Friday, April 17, 2009

Back to Pastels

This is definitely not a finished painting, but I thought I would show the progress on a portrait with my new pastels and new paper

This certainly has lots of things wrong with it, but as least I am not tearing it up and throwing it away. The eyes look kind of spooky. I got some new papaer, and also some new pastels.

The paper is Sennelier Pastel Card, comes in a pad of twelve sheets 13" x 15", and there are 6 different colors. I don't want to admit how much I paid for it. But it is sure nice. I wish I could use both sides of it.

I got very frustrated with the Unison pastels, partly because they are so soft, and partly because of the paper I was using. I hope I can get used to them. I'm using Rembrandt pastels, which are not quite as soft as the Unisons. I found a set of 90 portrait colors on EBay which I bid on and got.So with my old set, I have a good selection of colors.


Nothing special or even personal about this shot. I saw this cat on the ditchbank in my back yard and took his picture out the window. He looks like he's been in some fights recently. It's that time of year. All the cats are out roaming around. Now that it's safe for Kat to go out, she won't step out on the porch.


Barrie and Kasey and I are going to Idaho Falls tomorrow. We will go to Sam's Club and WalMart, so my credit card will be smoking. One thing I plan to buy is a new chair for my drawing table. This one is so uncomfortable. The last time we went to Sam's Club, they had a big assortment, and I sat in several of them.


  1. The portrait reminds me so much of young Barrie. JAM

  2. I love the Drawing of your Grand DAughter..Really NICE nanny
