Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Windy Tuesday

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Kasey's new shoes have Velcro, and she is fascinated with it. She takes her shoes off, and tries to get them back on again. She got one shoe on one day - with no sock and on the wrong foot, but she was pretty pleased with herself.

I have a vine on the south side of my house that turns a beautiful deep red color in the fall. I don't know what it is called

Another older picture. This is Tracy when she rode in Rendezvous one year.


The cow and calf moose were here today, munching on the willows down on the street in front of my house. I didn't even try to take pictures of them - the willows were in the way. Shorty keeps me alerted when anything comes around. The moose ignore his barking.

I'm preparing a new watercolor painting to work on in art group tomorrow. I have the log cabin image transferred to the paper and am applying some miskit to it. It is on paper I don't usually use, and I will be using my Daniel Smith watercolors, which are pretty new to me. So who knows how it will come out.


I finally made a decision to buy the 3 in 1 cooker - the one that pressure cooks, slow cooks, and cooks rice. I've never used a pressure cooker, but I remember my Mom used one a lot. I already have a rice cooker, so I can get that out of my cupboards - and the old slow cooker is gone, so I should have room for this appliance. There will probably be a flurry of cooking for a little while. Hope I can make something good.


Some people call this "SPRING". I call it "The Season of White Plastic Bags Hanging in Trees."

1 comment:

  1. I've been out picking up those plastic bags too. Pretty gross stuff actually.
