Friday, April 10, 2009

Comfort Zone

No pastel dust on my fingers today . . .

I think both pastel portraits are ready for the garbage. I have been really frustrated, but I know I need to remember it has been over 20 years since I tried them. It's not like riding a bicycle - you DO forget!

Anyway, I have climbed back into my comfort zone and have started a pencil portrait.

Click on images for a larger view


The "Smell My Socks" Game.


Jennifer and Shawn

I have always enjoyed looking at this picture. I took this years ago at a family reunion. These kids are both about 30 years old now. Their mothers are sisters, and are cousins of mine.


I saw a couple of quotes in magazines I thought were worth sharing:

"A portrait is a painting with something wrong with the mouth". (John Singer Sargent)

"I am a bear of little brain and long words bother me". (Winnie the Pooh)

1 comment:

  1. And your 'comfort zone' is a fabulous place to be. Be sure to let us see the finished product. Love the beginning. JAM
