Thursday, April 23, 2009


Someone accused us of "playing with our food" in the pictures I posted yesterday of Kasey eating spaghetti. OK, what can I say? We WERE playing with our food. Sure was fun!

Kasey is staying home with me today with a runny nose, cough, and sneezing. She doesn't act like she feels too bad, but Julie appreciates it when you don't bring sick children to her.

Click on image for larger view
Kasey wanted "Laura Bear" today. First she pulled her nose.

Then she gave her a hug.

I've probably told about "Laura Bear" before. My mother made her for Tracy when she was little. She was (and still is) funny looking and has cross eyes. She was Tracy's constant companion, and once required a phone call from Laramie to a restaurant in Casper to ask the waitress to mail her to us, which she did. Nice lady!


I've always been interested in infrared photography, but had never done any of it. One of my photo editing software programs has an infrared filter, and I like to play with it once in a while. The top photo shows what it looked like, but not the orignal. I know I did some editing on this photo from the CCC ponds, like increasing the saturation, boosting up the yellows and oranges, and probably some more things. The second photo shows what the infrared filter can do.

1 comment:

  1. Ansel Adams would love it. By the way, I haven't seen any comments from you on "Old Photo of the Day" for this He-Man Picture week. Hmmm. JAM
