Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I enjoyed art group so much today. It was video day, and Lynn brought a really great video to share with us. It was on the work of Maynard Dixon, and we really enjoyed it. Thanks, Lynn.

Lynn was finishing up a beautiful pastel piece of a cow and calf moose. I hope she photographs it and shares it on her blog.

Click on photos for a larger view
Won't Work!

Now it works. Thanks for the batteries!

Barrie doesn't work on Wednesdays, and usually uses the day to catch up on things that need to be done with the dogs, her snow machine, pickup, etc. Today she decided Kasey would "play hooky" and stay home with Mom.

They were just finishing lunch when I got home. Kasey laid down for her nap, and Barrie went to the Food Basket. She came home pretty happy. For $10, she got two really great toys for Kasey, some shirts, and about five pairs of jeans - plus a few shirts for herself. The clothes look really good, and she put them in the washing machine right away.

One of the toys is a "push" toy. It has a basket to put thing sin , and big buttons with flashing lights to push and it plays two different songs. Plus, the round plastic thing in front has plastic fruit in it that makes noise when it is pushed around. Every Grandma's nightmare, right? Wonder what happened to that lady who used to live here who said she would not have garish colored plastic noisy battery-operated toys in her house?


  1. That lady fell totally, completely and unashamedly in love with a little person! JAM

  2. I love the Food Basket! It is such a great place in so many ways.

