Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The dog pack of Toston

This is an old one lane bridge over the Missouri River at Toston, Montana. You can see Toston on the other bank of the river. We had quite an experience in Toston. It is a small town with dirt streets, and many old and abandoned buildings. I thought it might be an interesting place to take some pictures. When we drove back across the bridge, a woman was on the corner of the street and six dogs were with her. Our dogs barked, and the six dogs immediately charged the truck. One of them was a Chihuahua. One of the larger dogs jumped against the side of the truck and scratched it.

Barrie managed to drive away from them without running over them, but we went just a short distance when three more dogs charged out (and one of them was a Chihuahua!) Barrie got turned around so we could get out of town, and we had to drive through the pack of six dogs again, but this time the woman had a leash on the big dog that had jumped on the truck. He was lunging, and she was kicking him as we went by. Before we got to the edge of town, three more dogs came out to chase the pickup. And that's why I didn't take any pictures in Toston!!

Click on images for a larger view

Having a tailgate party in Lincoln after going for a couple drives in the area.

The dogs eating supper along the Blackfoot River

Another photo of the newborn buffalo calf we saw. I cropped this one really closely, and you can see the cow's rump definitely shows she has recently given birth. The baby looks kind of pitiful, but I'm sure by the next day he was running and bucking

1 comment:

  1. I love that story about Toston. funny.
    Love, Lynn
