Saturday, May 30, 2009

Finished a Painting

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I finished this watercolor of an old log cabin today.

I'm still reading my Mom's diary. I am up to 1975. I am married to Chuck and teaching 1st grade in Pinedale. My dad had died a couple years before. We went to Alaska in my Mom's Winnebago - Mom, Chuck, me, Tracy, Barrie, Kelly and Lane. A little crowded, I guess, but we didn't mind. My Mom had such a good time on that trip and enjoyed everything we saw.

She mentioned us shopping in Syd's store in Shoshoni several times, and I guess we did go there a lot. Syd had his store in several different buildings in town, and this is it's last loction. It was two buildings. One of them was the old movie theater, so the floor sloped. It was like a maze in there. The ceilings were tall, and things were stacked on shelves clear to the ceiling, and I don't think anything existed that Syd didn't have, except groceries, I guess. The fire marshall finally shut it down. I'm not sure it even had a back door.

A recurring theme in her diary - the wind blows, cars won't start, machinery breaks down., and the wind blows some more.

Barrie is grooming dogs today. Her dad asked her if she could groom their two dogs, so she has them up in my yard. I think she has bathed both of them, and is now using the clippers on them.

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