Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day


This is Snickers, "sort of" my granddaughter. Isn't she cute? My stepdaughter from my first marriage, Leslie (Tracy's sister) called for Mother's Day, and I had a nice visit with both her and Bobby. I always feel kind of special to have such a close relationship with them. We have sort of poked fun at Tracy and Paul for years for being so attached and attentive to their dog, Bogie.

Well, now Leslie is "eating crow". She and Bobby got Snickers a few months ago, and they are both acting just like Paul and Tracy. They are "Mom and Dad". Les said they were putting her in her crate at night, and Tracy made a $50 bet with her that Snickers would be sleeping on the bed before summer. Leslie said she owes Tracy $50. Can't wait until I get to meet Snickers.

Paul and Tracy have just purchased a condo in Florida. How exciting! She just shipped a bunch of furnishings for it to Leslie, Melita's daughter. She and Paul will be flying there to buy furniture soon. Silverthorne , where they live in Colorado, has pretty harsh winters and lots of snow. They like it there, and Paul likes to ski in the winter. But I think they will really enjoy a place to go to warm up once in a while.


Barrie and Kasey and I went shopping in Jackson today to celebrate Mother's Day. It's always a drive I enjoy especially when Barrie is doing the driving. We took my truck today and she drove. We went to KMart. I didn't get much, a new pair of tennis shoes and a cooler. Kasey got sunglasses and a swimming suit. Then we went to Smiths, and it is such a nice place to shop! As Lynn said in her recent post, it is a nice change from Ridleys. Barrie and I both bought a lot of groceries.

My new multi cooker came, and I bought the ingredients for a pot roast to cook in the pressure cooker today. I bought in on Amazon, and there were lots of positive reviews from people who had purchased it, so I am expecting it to be a great replacement for my slow cooker and rice cooker. Lots of good recipes came with it, and I also ordered a couple of new recipe books, one for pressure cooker and one for slow cooker.

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