Sunday, May 3, 2009

Home from the Montana Road Trip

Barrie and Kasey and I had a wonderful road trip to Montana. We left Friday morning, went to Barrie's dog lot to take care of her dogs, then drove nine hours to Lincoln, Montana. Well, we took some side roads and a few side trips, and Barrie will have to fill me in on all the places we were.

We just got home tonight, after stopping at the dog lot, and I haven't even looked at all the photos I took yet. But I guess one of the highlights of the photos was seeing these buffalo just north of West Yellowstone. We came upon a group of buffalo on the road, and this little calf couldn't have been more than a few hours old! Barrie took this photo because she had a better shot from the driver's seat. This little guy's umbilical cord still looked wet, and the mother's rump still looked like she had just given birth. He was still pretty wobbly on his feet and was humped over. But he was keeping right on his mother's tail. An amazing and very special sight for us!

I took this photo through the windshield. The calf is almost in the center of the photo.


We drove through some rain today, but the roads were good. Barrie just called at me to look out the window and I see it is snowing hard and blowing. Ah, spring in Pinedale.

I think Kat missed me. The bathroom rugs were not even messed up when we got home, but they are now. And she has actually rubbed up against my legs.

Barrie is such a good driver, and made sure that I got to stop for every photo opportunity. And Kasey is an incredible traveler. We had a wonderful weekend together. I have more photographs to post later.


  1. I had no idea baby buffalo were so tan. What a wonderful trip for all of you. JAM

  2. so very cool and so glad you got to share that special EVENT with Daughter, and GRANDDAUGHTER. good medicine, Three Generations looking at what maybe only 2 Generations ago was so very valuable to your Girls Kin.. oh--so many goos bumps. nanny

  3. goose bumps
    g o o s e bumps
    missed the e and me being there!
    nanny (*~*)
