Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pony Ride

Barrie and Kasey and I went out to Murdock's yesterday. Barrie is a friend and co-worker of Caroline, whose husband is the ranch manager. They have a great little pony, and Kasey rode him.

Click on images for a larger view

Kasey wasn't at all anxious to be put up in the saddle, but Barrie held onto her and talked her through it.

After just a moment or two, Kasey said "let go Momma", and was riding around with a big smile and waving at me.

And THEN the pony snorted, and that was it for Kasey. It really scared her, and she wanted down. Barrie wouldn't take her down, but led her around a bit more while holding onto her and got her calmed down again.

I'm not sure, but I think Kasey was mad at us for a while. She wouldn't come in the barn with us to unsaddle the pony and turn him out. I thought she looked kind of pathetic and so little - standing in that big barn door and watching us. But she sat down in the corral and played in the dirt. After this we took her to the creek and she threw rocks in. So she was cheerful again.


  1. One of the most precious picture stories I've ever seen on a blog. Thank you for sharing. JAM

  2. Uh - ohhhh. Now you're hooked. Next thing there will be a pony in your yard.
