Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Eyes Have It

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Wow! What beautiful eyes!

This is "Puppy", one of Barrie's sled dogs. She brought him to town today to introduce him to people and traffic. She took him for a walk through town today, and said he did great. He was really ducking away from the camera, but I got a couple of good shots of him. Doesn't he have the most incredible eyes?


Another Calvin cartoon


I enjoyed the art group meeting today at Rendezvous Pointe so much! My long-time friend Mary Lou came with me today. I was going to say "old friend", but hmmmmmm!! Barrie, Kasey and I are going to visit at her house this weekend. I first met Mary Lou when I was going back to college in Riverton after my divorce. Tracy was about 3, and Mary Lou did some baby sitting for me. Later, Mary Lou's husband came to Pinedale to coach and teach, so I took the opportunity to talk her into baby sitting again. Through the years, Mary Lou has obtained a degree in nursing, lived in Alaska for a time, and I'm not sure what other adventures she has had. I love spending time with her.

Terry returned to the group today after a long absence. It was so good to have her back. Terry, Conley, Vicky, Judi, Nancy J., Barbara, Mary Lou and I were there. It was the largest group we have had recently.

I took my little baby food jar of vodka with me today and started a "whiskey painting" of an old wagon. Terry also used my vodka and started a really nice one of flowers. She started doing the pen and ink on hers, and it looks great!

1 comment:

  1. No matter what I do today, the email, below, will not send. Keeps coming back with fatal errors. So, I did this workaround ...


    Frustrated with blogspot puts it very mildly!

    Your suggestions help a lot. I move the pictures around a lot. It seems they have their own mind where they want to be positioned. I get paragraphs where I don't want them and sometimes have to put a period in a line to keep a paragraph. If I didn't have so much stuff on blogspot I'd move back to live journal. No trouble there, you can even paste a picture in the page.

    I do use photoshop. Even have a new version thanks to the class I took. I will take your suggestion and size them the same as you suggested and see what happens. I had not noticed that moving or not moving a photo was causing a difference. That would be true with the cat demo. Some click larger and some do not. I probably did move those. I had caught on to loading them in reverse order, but was still uploading them last and moving them to match the text.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out with your routine. I'll bet it helps a lot. I really appreciate your generosity.

