Friday, June 26, 2009

More Rain - Friday

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The Old Cowboy Sign

When I first got my good telephoto lens, I'm sure I drove the hummingbirds nuts taking pictures of them! I sat in the shade with my camera on a tripod aimed at the feeder, and just kept taking pictures. I also took some out my upstairs window when I hung a feeder up there.

I saw a hummingbird one day about a week ago and hung up two feeders, but have no birds at them yet.

Where did all this water come from? It's been another rainy day, and I know most people are sick of it, but I like it. My lawn likes it too. It was actually starting to look dry, and it is perked up and green again.
I have never seen my big old pine tree grow as much as it is this summer. Every branch tip has new growth of 2 or 3 inches, and it is covered with new little pine cones. My chokecherries are just beginning to bloom, and the Oriental Poppies are blooming.

1 comment:

  1. Incredible hummingbird photos. You can even see the iridescent coloring! WOW. JAM
