Friday, July 10, 2009


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This little hummingbird was feeding at the feeder on the front porch this morning, and and taking a break in the pine tree in front of my bedroom window.

I finished this watercolor of an old wheelbarrow yesterday. I thought I was doing pretty well until I added the grass. The reference was a photo Lynn sent me. Thanks, Lynn!

Another photo of Kasey playing in the kennel. This is to show that we didn't really lock her in the kennel. She could open the door!

Barrie and Kasey went to Kasey's swimming class yesterday, then to the rodeo. I stayed home. I told Barrie I think I have spent enough years doing the "Meet Me on the Green" thing, and have had enough fun to last forever. Some years I had too much fun! Do you think my old age has anything to do with passing up all the festivities?

Kasey showed me how the horses "jumped" and how the men fell down.


  1. Hey! That looks just like my Mom's wheelbarrow!!! Great painting....I like the grass too (only I think if it was Mom's, they are weeds) :)


  2. Since Lynn took the pic, it probably was my wheelbarrow. Anyhow, if it isn''s its twin.
