Friday, July 3, 2009

Shopping with Kasey

Barrie was up at 5:00 to run her dogs, and said she sure wished she could have a nap. I was going to Ridleys and decided I would take Kasey shopping with me. She was really confused when she came to kiss me good bye, and I told her I was going and Mom was going to stay home. She didn't have a meltdown until we got on the front porch and Mom stayed in the house. I have never heard her screech like that! Barrie came to the pickup with her and put her in her seat, but she wanted no part of it. So Barrie got in (barefooted) and rode to Ridleys with us. But Kasey had another meltdown when I got her out of the truck and started in with her, without Mom. So poor Barrie went in Ridleys Hardware barefooted. Kasey made it through that. I returned the sprayer, then we went to AtoZ to buy a sprayer and new loppers.

Barrie got out first and went in without us (barefooted, still). Kasey was pretty calm, but not entirely happy. She would stay with me when we went in, but kept her eye on Mom. We drove home, Barrie got out, told Kasey "bye" and went in the house. Kasey was a little worried, kept asking "where's Momma?", but came in the grocery store with me, and we ended up having fun shopping. Guess we need to do that a little more often. She sure didn't like to have her little routine upset.

I didn't mind shopping in Ridley's today. It was crowded, and the isles were full of cardboard boxes and stuff they hadn't put on the shelves. But I actually saw some people I knew today! Judi and Rollie were shopping, and they bought a clump of celery and shared it with me. Thanks!

The fingers on the left hand look a little mangled. I haven't sprayed the drawing with fixative yet. I'll see if I can improve those fingers.

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