Sunday, July 12, 2009


Sure is a quiet day today. Barrie and Kasey didn't get up until late, had breakfast, and have gone to the dog lot.

When the fireworks started last night, Barrie and Kasey were not home yet, and I realized Jarvi and Shorty were in the back yard. I went down and opened the door - Jarvi shot in and jumped the gate that keeps them in the back hall. Shorty came right in, but I had to take the gate down for him. Jarvi immediately went into the bathroom, but Shorty thought it was a big game. Barrie came in just then, and was so relieved to see that I had brought them in. Several years ago, Jarvi left during the fireworks and didn't come home for about five hours.

I was outside this morning when Judi drove by and took my picture. You just aren't safe anywhere!! Sure glad I wasn't in my pajamas!

I have given up on the book "Angle of Respose". I am over 100 pages into it and find that I have to got back and read the last 10 or so pages every time I pick it up, because I can't remember what happened. I think that's a pretty good sign that NOTHING happened, at least in my mind. I found my Larry McMurtry book, "Sin Killer", the first book of the "Berrybender Series". Although I have read them before, it's been a while, and I am enjoying reading it.


I painted a couple of greeting cards last week. That's about all I got accomplished. This morning I started a new one of a snowy branch and a chickadee. I am so tempted to go through my rack and just throw out the ones I started that I have lost interest in or I think I don't have to ability to finish.

I accidently came upon an interesting web site last night. It shows "Life" Magazine covers from way way back. They have a link to EBay for each one in case you are interesting in buying it. I don't believe they have included every cover, but I didn't really watch carefully. I started at the beginning, 1928, I believe, and am up to 1955. They also have other magazine covers, such as "Saturday Evening Post".

Ok, I have struggled to insert the link to the Life Magazines Covers, but it is not working for me. I use the little "insert link" icon at the top, and insert the link. It shows up, but not after I publish the post. I edited the post, tried again, and it showed up when I previewed the blog, but not after I published it. Does anyone know how this works??

Later ----- Aha! I figured it out! The link was there all the time. I passed the cursor over where I put it, and it turned into the pointy finger. The text was invisible against the white background. When I highlighted the text and changed it to black, it showed up, and worked when I clicked on it.

1 comment:

  1. I was going past your house b/c I found I new way out of Ridleys! I crossed Fremont Lk Rd and took that dirt street to your house & then onto highway. Much less traffic!
    I love the colors in your cards. Very nice.
    Someone donated a bunch of very old Life Magazines to the Library Book Sale. Donated on the 2nd day so early birds didn't see them. JAM
