Sunday, July 26, 2009


Kasey and Barrie and I went to Rock Springs shopping today. Kind of a last minute decision, and we didn't even leave until about noon. The cloud formations over the mountains were as beautiful as I have ever seen, and I should have taken pictures. The sky was turning pretty black to the south west, and just out of Eden, the skies opened up. We drove through a deluge for about 10 minutes, then were out of it. It was sunny and hot in Rock Springs.

Went to WalMart and really stocked up on some things, like toilet paper and paper towels, but of course I have remembered things we should have gotten after we got home. I took one cart with cat food, paper towels and toilet paper out to the pickup, then came back and we started shopping seriously. We filled two carts. We didn't buy any meat, as we are now pretty faithful customers of Specialty Meats.

Barrie got a pair of $5 sunglasses for herself, I didn't get anything, but of course we got some things for Kasey. The potty training project is picking up steam, so she needed more panties and rubber pants. She needed new tennis shoes, and then we saw some cute little boots, which of course she just HAD to have. She didn't say so, but her Mom and I thought she needed them!

Then we got in the grocery department, and really stocked up.

We didn't get home until about 7:30, put away all the perishable and frozen things, but left the rest of it in the basement.

The house seemed really hot when we got home, after traveling in an air conditioned pickup. Kasey slept all the way home, and she and Barrie have gone out to the dog lot to take care of dogs. Me, well I'm upstairs with my shoes off, and the air conditioner on. Kat must have been lonesome. She greeted me and even rubbed against my legs.

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