Tuesday, July 21, 2009


You can easily tell by the photos I am posting today that absolutely nothing is happening here!

Click on images for a larger view

I am going to try to paint a portrait of Kat tomorrow in art group, so I wanted a good photograph of her eyes. Sometimes they look really green, other times they look grey. I even made a little study of color mixes to use. The people who paint with me should be very proud of me! I usually don't do much planning before I start a new painting, but I just use a hit or miss technique and blunder through experimenting with color mixes as I am working on the painting.

Kasey with her coloring book. She hardly presses down enough to leave marks on the paper.

Barrie went to the grocery store a couple of days ago. We had peppers and zucchini both on the list, but she said they didn't look good and didn't buy any. Today she went to Speciality Meats at Obos to pick up some meat scraps, and said she always has a problem when she goes in there, because she always buys something! She brought home some lovely peppers, a package of green, orange and red, and some zucchini.

This will be of interest to Rollie and Judi, who have warned me about our local grocery store. They charged Barrie $12 for 4 tomatoes. She went right back and straightened that out. The checker had made a mistake and rang up 4 boxes of cherry tomatoes. They also had charged her for a head of cauliflower, which she didn't get.


  1. I seem to mention Ridley's wrong prices a lot! Guess it grates. You say 'nothing going on' and then put in a pic of Kasey. There are never too many pics of such a doll. JAM

  2. What beautiful green eyes. I'll be looking forward to seeing your results here! ~J~
