Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday, Art Day

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Kelley gave Barrie a portable DVD player. Here is Kasey watching a favorite, a documentary about polar bears, while her mom swims dogs in Soda Lake.

This is Bailey, swimming with Barrie.

This is Bailey, voicing a protest that he has to stay in the pickup.

This woman was down the shore a ways sunbathing on the beach. I wonder if the noise of four excited sled dogs irritated her? She got in her kayak and headed across the lake.

Barrie swam for a while, then we took the dogs to the dog lot, and went back to town just in time for her to grab Kasey's suit and the towels and take Kasey to her swimming lesson.

The bugs were not bad at the lake, but there were a few horse flies. I got out and walked around at the dog lot and didn't see mosquitoes. Who can figure? The wind wasn't even blowing, but the mosquitoes must have all been hanging around the horses,.

Today was painting day at the senior center - a fun day, as always. I got a little greeting card scene painted. I got a new block of water color paper today, Winsor Newton brand. I've never used this brand of paper before, so don't know how it will be.

I stayed for lunch today with Mary Lou.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Duene...

    This is Charm McLellan. I'm a "fellow" artist and friend of Lynn, Gina, and Judi.

    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and would love to meet you sometime. Barrie took flying lessons from my husband, Jim.
